
Brand Strategy Identity Design

for an Astrology App



Shaping a brand strategy and crafting a vibrant identity for a cutting-edge astrology app that transcends the ordinary. This app delivers not just personalized natal charts and transits, but also unveils profound astrological insights in a user-friendly, easy-to-absorb format.


I developed the brand strategy for this new astrology app. The process included crafting the app’s name, defining the mission, vision, and core values, and establishing the brand proposition and positioning. Utilizing astrology archetypes, I was able to create a unique brand persona.

Then, I designed the brand identity. My approach was influenced by the valuable insights from my market research and was focused on addressing the existing gaps in the market. Through this method, I successfully created a brand identity that resonates with our target audience and differentiates it in the marketplace.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Identity Design
  • Collaterals Design
  • Illustration
  • App Design

Before starting…

The Gap + The Opportunity

Combining my three passions – brand strategy and design, illustration, and app design – I set out to create a new product that weaves these elements together, inspired by my longstanding enthusiasm for astrology. I recognized a clear deficiency in the current market; the existing apps were either too complex, intimidating for the uninitiated, or offered scant information, leaving users thirsting for more practical insights.

Many apps were limited to providing natal charts, brimming with cryptic symbols that often left users baffled rather than enlightened. Spotting this gap, I saw a golden opportunity to develop an app that strikes the right balance: delivering comprehensive astrological insights in a user-friendly format.

This way, users can learn more about their own identities, and better understand their interactions with others, through the lens of the astrology system. The app serves as a guide to the stars and provides a more meaningful and practical understanding of astrology that users can apply in their daily lives.

This case study is an ongoing journey as I continue to delve into the illustrations and app design. However, you’re welcome to explore my progress so far. Below you’ll see the brand strategy and the identity I’ve designed.

Brand Strategy


The brand name Archetypal sprung to mind almost instinctively. This is because the astrology system is underpinned by 12 distinct archetypes, which serve as tools for people to comprehend their unique personalities. These archetypes shed light on how individuals act and react across various facets of their lives, forming the foundation of our understanding of astrology.

In order to emphasize the astrological focus of the app and distinguish it from other types of archetypes, I decided to include the term Astrology in the brand name. This way, it’s clear that our brand’s focus is specifically on the exploration of astrological archetypes.

Brand Foundations

Inspired by Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle model for brand strategy, I built the brand’s foundations. Following is an in-depth look at the ‘WHO’, ‘WHAT’, ‘HOW’, and ‘WHY’ that underpin this strategic exercise, then I proceeded with crafting a compelling mission, vision, and establishing a definitive mission statement, the purpose for the brand, and the overarching goals.


Self-development and astrology enthusiasts who possess a beginner to intermediate level of astrology knowledge. These individuals have a passion for self-growth, spirituality readings, and a constant quest for life’s deeper truths.


A new app that skillfully generates and explains users’ natal charts. Its easy, digestible, and engaging approach makes astrology’s complexities more accessible to everyone.


Using straightforward, easy-to-understand language to explain the significance of the signs, planets, houses, and aspects. Delving into their intricacies and the fascinating ways they interact with each other.

Furthermore, utilizing the power of imagery as a tool to convey the message, reaching not only the conscious mind but also tapping into the subconscious, enhancing comprehension and user engagement.


Astrology, a captivating ancient system, provides individuals with a blueprint of their soul’s purpose and personality. It delves far deeper than the commonly known zodiac sign. Everyone’s personality, and the way they act in all facets of their lives, has nuances that can be revealed through a deeper understanding of their natal chart. This knowledge makes navigating life, work, and relationships easier and much more enjoyable and meaningful.


Our mission is to simplify the complex wisdom of astrology into a digestible and engaging form, providing individuals with the tools for self-discovery and personal growth.


We envision a world where everyone can explore the celestial blueprint of their soul, fostering a deeper understanding of their purpose and potential.


We are committed to making astrology approachable and enriching for beginners and intermediate learners, combining written and visual content to unlock the language of the subconscious mind.


The purpose is to facilitate spiritual connection and self-development, to promote inclusivity and share knowledge, while infusing fun and positivity into the process of learning.

The Target Audience

As I delved deeper into understanding the target audience through thorough research, I unearthed several insightful nuggets of information. One of the most enlightening aspects, and what truly helped me define the audience better, was conducting brief interviews. This process allowed me to understand the their CORE NEEDS, FRUSTRATIONS, MOTIVATIONS, and CHALLENGES. Additionally, it revealed what the audience THINKS, FEELS, SAYS, and DOES about astrology or when interacting with similar apps.

In summary:

The audience seeks tools and resources to foster self-discovery and personal growth. They want an engaging and fun way to learn and understand astrology beyond basic sun signs and appreciate an inclusive and grounded brand. They value spiritual connection, knowledge, personal growth, and self-expression. They appreciate brands that are accessible, relatable, and knowledgeable.

Picture from Gian Cescon on Unsplash

THINKThe primary audience thinks about their personal growth and self-improvement. They are curious about astrology and are eager to understand its intricacies. They wonder how astrology can provide insights into their personality and life’s purpose. They also consider the reliability and accessibility of the information they consume.
FEELThey feel excited and intrigued by the concept of astrology as a tool for self-discovery. There might be some frustration when faced with complex astrological concepts that are difficult to comprehend. They feel a sense of community when they can share and discuss their experiences with others “OMG, he’s so Gemini!”. There is a sense of satisfaction when they gain new insights about themselves through astrology.
SAYThe audience say things like “I’m interested in astrology but it’s hard to understand,” “I want to explore my natal chart but don’t know where to start,” “I wish I could find a community to share my astrology experiences with, not everyone gets it!” or “It’s so cool when I learn something new about myself through my natal chart.”
DOThey read about astrology, study their natal chart, discuss their findings with friends or online communities, and integrate their astrological learnings into daily life. They also engage with apps, social media channels, and astrologers.

Determining the Brand Personality

As I embarked on the journey to define the brand personality, I utilized the Brand Personality Pyramid approach. Starting at the base of the pyramid, I first outlined the Invisible Traits. Then, gradually moving upwards, I clarified the Visible Traits.

Next, you’ll see a table that includes the elements that make up each item within the Archetypal Astrology brand personality.

Knowledge and beliefs in sharing itApproachableEasy to understandRelaxed and groundedPlayfulFun
Awareness seekerRelatableDeep but digestible informationListensEasy to understandPlayful
Different cultures and personalitiesWise but not cockyImagery cuesConnects the dotsKnowledgeableColorful
Wisdom, growth, spirituality, connectionFun and good vibesPractical informationMakes you feel comfortableFriendly and InclusiveYouthful

As I started outlining the brand values, I found myself portraying the Sagittarius archetype. So instead of working with Brand Archetypes, I decided to infuse the brand persona with the attributes of this sign.

Meet Ella, the embodiment of Archetypal Astrology. A true Sagittarius, Ella is a globetrotter, a truth-seeker, and a wisdom sharer. Enthralled by the myriad places and people she encounters, she firmly believes in the inherent beauty and perfection of each individual’s uniqueness.

Ella’s vibrant and engaging personality makes her a delightful companion, but she also has a grounded and approachable side when it comes to discussing profound topics. She has an insatiable thirst for reading, exploring, and learning new things. She is driven by a desire to live life to its fullest, to experience, and to share what she’s learned.

Her journey involves traveling, connecting with diverse people, and exploring new territories. She aids others in recognizing the beauty in the world and within themselves. In essence, Ella is high-vibe supercharged, a radiant beacon that encapsulates the spirit of Archetypal Astrology.

Brand, Market, and Opportunity Gaps

Even before conducting my target audience research and competitors analysis, I had already sensed a gap in the market that this app could potentially fill. However, it was through the enlightening interviews and thorough analysis that I was able to identify the brand, market, and opportunity gaps that our app could bridge.


Many astrology platforms are complex and intimidating for beginners in the current market. The language used is often jargon-heavy and lacks simplicity, making the content hard to digest. Additionally, few brands use a multi-modal learning approach, combining both written and visual content to cater to different learning styles.


While a few astrology apps and websites are available, many are either too simplistic, focusing only on sun signs, or too complex, offering comprehensive astrological data with little explanation. Furthermore, many platforms do not provide a community space for users to discuss and share their findings, which is an essential aspect of the learning process, as well as feeling understood.


The opportunity lies in creating an astrology platform that strikes a balance between simplicity and depth, making astrology accessible and engaging for beginners while offering insights rich enough to captivate intermediate learners. Providing a community feature, where users can interact, share their experiences, and learn from each other, will add a social learning dimension that is currently missing in many platforms. Incorporating visual aids alongside written content caters to visual learners and can help users better understand and remember the information.

Brand Positioning

By carefully selecting the brand attributes that I wanted the app to stand out for, and conducting an in-depth analysis of how the competitors were performing in these areas, I was able to create a Brand Positioning Map. This essential tool allowed me to determine the brand’s unique position within the competitive landscape.

Archetypal Astrology, as an astrology app, offers a friendly and intuitive platform for individuals interested in self-growth and spirituality. Unlike other astrology resources, we simplify complex astrological knowledge into digestible content, combining written and visual learning tools, and provide a supportive community for sharing and learning. This makes astrology more accessible and engaging for both beginners and intermediate learners, helping them explore their celestial blueprint and foster personal growth.

Customer Journey

Engaging in one of my favorite aspects of brand strategy, I enthusiastically dived into crafting the customer journey. My ultimate goal is to achieve 100K app downloads, and my target audience comprises beginner and intermediate astrology enthusiasts.

Below is a comprehensive table summarizing all my findings and conclusions based on the various stages of the customer journey. This table encompasses the channels, needs, and wants of our target audience, as well as potential problems we might encounter and the corresponding solutions we can implement to ensure a successful journey.


Astrology Forums

Influencer Partnerships
Accessible and engaging astrology content

Learn about the benefits of astrology for personal growth
Engaging astrology posts and visuals

Free resources
Lack of awareness about the app

Many other astrology apps in the market

Skepticism about the quality of the information
Share informative and visually appealing astrology posts

Collaborate with astrology influencers to promote the app

Run targeted ads to reach potential users

App Store Optimization

Reviews and Testimonials
Explore app features and benefits

Check other users’ reviews and app ratings
Easy-to-understand astrology insights

Personalized natal chart creation with practical information for the users
Uncertainty about app quality and accuracy of the informationProvide detailed information about app features on the website

Optimize app store listing with keywords and positive reviews

Offer free trials or limited features to encourage exploration

Collaborate with astrologers for them to explain how accurate is the information
CONVERSIONIn-App Onboarding

Limited-Time Offer

Referral Program
Smooth and engaging onboarding process

Incentives for downloading and exploring the app
Meaningful astrology content and insights

Positive user experience
App download hesitation

Uninspiring onboarding experience
Provide a simple and informative onboarding process

Offer limited-time discounts or bonuses for early adopters

Encourage referral program for existing users
TRUE FANSCommunity Platform

Exclusive Content

Loyalty Rewards
Engage with other astrology enthusiasts

Access exclusive astrology content
Meaningful connections with like-minded users

Deeper understanding of astrology
Feeling disconnected from the app

Monotony in content
Foster a vibrant community platform for users to interact

Provide exclusive content such as mini-courses or masterclasses

Implement a loyalty rewards program for active users

Action and Launch Plan

As a new app in the market, I made a strategic decision to prioritize the Awareness Stage, recognizing the significance of creating a powerful Launch Campaign. Below is the Launch Plan outline and the essential actions we intend to take.

GOALS1. Increase brand awareness and app visibility among the target audience.
2. Mitigate skepticism and establish the app as a reliable and valuable astrology resource.
3. Differentiate the app from competitors and highlight its unique features.
ACTIONS1. Create a compelling and concise message that highlights the unique features of Archetypal Astrology. Emphasize the app’s user-friendly interface and its ability to offer profound insights effortlessly.
2. Develop captivating content, including blog posts, videos, and visuals, that educates and entertains our target audience about astrology and the value of Archetypal Astrology.
3. Generate excitement and anticipation leading up to the launch through teaser campaigns, sneak peeks, and engaging content that resonates with our audience.
4. Collaborate with astrology enthusiasts, self-growth advocates, and influencers within the spirituality niche to endorse our app and extend our reach.
5. Run targeted ads on social media platforms to reach potential users with an interest in astrology and self-development.
6. Optimize the app’s website and app store listing with compelling information and positive user reviews.
7. Offer pre-registration and early access to build a user base even before the official launch. Incentivize early adopters with exclusive content or features.
8. Encourage early adopters to provide feedback and testimonials about their experience with the app. Utilize positive reviews for ongoing marketing efforts.
STAKEHOLDERS1. Marketing Team – Responsible for creating and executing the launch campaign.
2. App Development Team – Ensure the app’s website and app store listing is optimized for conversions.
3. Content Creators – Produce engaging astrology content for the campaign.
4. Influencers and Astrology Enthusiasts – Collaborate with them to reach a broader audience.
CHANNELS1. Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) – Engaging astrology posts, influencer partnerships.
2. Astrology Forums – Participate in discussions, share valuable insights, and introduce the app.
3. Influencer Partnerships – Collaborate with astrology influencers for content promotion.
4. App Store Optimization – Optimize the app’s listing with relevant keywords and user reviews.
5. Paid Advertising – Run targeted ads on social media platforms to reach the target audience.

Designing the Brand


Drawing inspiration from the carefully defined look and feel established during the brand strategy, I crafted a mood board that truly embodies the brand’s essence. Bursting with vibrant colors and delightful hand-painted and geometrical elements, the mood board perfectly captures the playful and authentic spirit I sought to incorporate into the brand.

Through this artistic collage, I aim to evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, inviting users to explore the world of astrology with joy and enthusiasm.

During this stage, my goal was to create a logo that surpassed mere aesthetics; I yearned for it to possess a profound significance. After numerous sketches and delving into the world of ancient symbols and runes, the seed of life captivated my attention. With careful abstraction, I infused the logo with a distinctive interpretation, carrying the essence of spirituality.

The logo, shaped by the essence of the seed of life, represents a harmonious balance of interconnectedness and growth, resonating with the core principles of our brand.

At the core, the logo symbolizes astrology’s infinite possibilities, the continuous evolution of self-discovery, and personal growth in mind, body, and spirit.


Selecting the color palette was very intuitive. I chose navy blue as a representation of the night sky, while the royal blue and coral complement each other. And lilac and beige as tertiary colors that play well with the rest.


I kept the same fonts from the logo for the typography set, The Franky Dunkey for the headings, and Hypatia Sans Pro for the subheadings and body text.

The icons representing the signs, planets, elements, and modes were carefully designed with rounded outlines, lending a playful and charming touch to the set. To enhance visual recognition and cohesion, I color-coded them with the signs in coral, planets in royal blue, and elements and modes in lilac.

Below you can see the icons in use within the natal chart.


I decided to harness the shapes derived from the logo for the graphical elements and patterns. I created a diverse array of graphical elements by employing a combination of solid and outlined formats. These elements were transformed into whimsical patterns that can be seamlessly integrated throughout the branding.

These patterns can be employed across various marketing materials, social media assets, and promotional content, establishing a distinct and recognizable visual language for Archetypal Astrology.


Leveraging the powerful tools of the Procreate app, I infused each illustration with a rich narrative, speaking volumes through symbols, colors, and distinct personality traits of each astrology archetype.

These illustrations serve as a visual storytelling medium, allowing users to immerse themselves in the essence of astrology archetypes in a captivating and meaningful way. The interplay of colors and symbolism breathes life into each illustration, portraying the unique characteristics and qualities of the zodiac signs, planets, elements, and modes.

Each illustration serves as a portal into the world of self-discovery and growth, reinforcing our commitment to delivering an enriching and enlightening experience to the audience.

The Collaterals

In crafting the collaterals, I made a deliberate choice to maintain a clean and sophisticated look by using white and navy as the main colors. These timeless and versatile hues provide a classic backdrop for the graphical elements to shine.

The App

The culmination of this creative journey led me to design a selection of screens for the app itself. These carefully crafted screens serve as reference points for the actual design and development process. Each screen embodies the brand’s essence, blending the graphical elements, icons, and illustrations in a seamless and intuitive user interface.

These designs serve as a blueprint for translating my vision into reality, bringing to life the app that will empower users to explore their inner selves and embrace the beauty of astrology in an easy, digestible, and enchanting way.